Music & Lyrics by
Ilene Altman &
Steve Equi

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Narrator: This is a story about the outlaw, Ain't.

Ain't ain't a word
Haven't you heard
It's not too late to learn what ain't isn't
Ain't isn't right
No matter how it tries
To disguise itself like "am not," "are not," "isn't"
Ain't belongs locked up in a word prison

Narrator: Ain't's been hanging out on the wrong side of the tracks with his buddies in the Bad Grammar Gang.
They're picking fights with proper usage, splitting infinitives, and misplacing their modifiers all over town.
But there's a new sheriff now.
His name is Sheriff Graham R. Justice.

Ain't ain't a word
Haven't you heard
It's not too late to learn what ain't isn't
Ain't isn't right
No matter how it tries
To disguise itself like "am not," "are not," "isn't"
Ain't belongs locked up in a word prison

Sheriff: I'm Sheriff Graham R. Justice and I'm here to lock up the outlaw Ain't in the Grammar Slammer.
I'm going to need your help. Join my Good Grammar Posse and together we can kick Ain't out of this town forever.
Narrator: Sounds like the Sheriff and Ain't are headed for a Grammar Showdown at High Noon.

Ain't ain't a word
Haven't you heard
It's not too late to learn what ain't isn't
Ain't isn't right
No matter how it tries
To disguise itself like "am not," "are not," "isn't"
Ain't belongs locked up in a word prison

Sheriff: Ain't, I hear that you've been causing trouble.
Ain't: I ain't done nothin'.
Sheriff: Now, Ain't, you're not a word at all. You are what's known as slang, and folks around here
don't want to speak like that.
Ain't: I ain't goin' nowheres, Sheriff.
Sheriff: What you mean is, "You are not going anywhere," except that's not true. You're going straight to the Grammar Slammer or my name isn’t Graham R. Justice.
Ain't: Well, it looks like I ain't wanted in this town after all.
Sheriff: Don't be sad, Ain't. All you have to do is sing along.

Ain't ain't a word
Haven't you heard
It's not too late to learn what ain't isn't
Ain't isn't right
No matter how it tries
To disguise itself like "am not," "are not," "isn't"
Ain't belongs locked up in a word prison
Ain’t belongs locked up in a word prison

Leeny: Vocals
Steve: All instruments, production & programming